Starfleet Promotion to Vice Admiral

Stardate - 86221.2

Vice Admiral Ownop Koobo


Name: Ownop Koobo

User Name: Koobo

Species: Quetzalcoatlite

Gender: Male

Age: 135

Science Officer: (Matter-Antimatter Specialist/ Warp Theorist)

Rank: Vice Admiral

Fleet Rank: Recruit

Diplomatic Rank:  Consul

Personal Bio:

 Ownop Koobo is a Quetzalcoatlite from the planet Quetzalcoata. This planet is located in the Gamma Quadrant in Sector 418. This planet is not recognized as a member of the United Federation of Planets. Yet this Quetzalcoatlite's service in Starfleet may yet mark the start of a path toward further Quetzalcoatlite Federation relations.

     Ship: NCC-93209 USS Saury

     Ship Class: Sovereign

     Ship Type: DS Assault Cruiser

     Crew compliment: 800

     Mission: Borg Technology Testing

Mission Log: Currently the Saury is stationed near Starbase 101 in the Eta Eridani Sector. Vice Admiral Koobo and his crew are in final stages of Borg integrated technology testing.

-101st Sovereign Fleet Members-

MTGraves Sly Reepr Ahri Dezin Zack Pherexia Justin

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